Dettagli Nodo //documents

Up to 4 floor plans can be sent with each property in JPEG format.

These rules are applied, identically, at different points in the feed:





Real estate at auction



Property/auction document container.


Document realtivo to the property/auction.

Ogni documento può avere una dimensione massima di 8388608 byte (8,3 Mb circa).

@positionnumeric index, defines the order of the documents
@urlurl from which to download the documentMandatory
@mimetypefile format, in MIME notation type
@typetype of contentMandatory

The attribute //document/@type takes the values described by these rules:

ValueConditionsDocuments per listing (min:max)
ordinanza //auction/documents0:n
ordinanza di vendita //auction/documents0:n
planimetria //property/documents0:1
planimetria //auction/documents0:n
planimetria //estate/documents0:1
perizia //auction/documents0:n
modalitĂ  di partecipazione //auction/documents0:n
avviso //auction/documents0:n
avviso di vendita //auction/documents0:n
capitolato //property/documents0:1 (for properties in new state)
capitolato //auction/documents0:n
documento catastale //auction/documents0:n
visura catastale //auction/documents0:n
descrizione progetto //property/documents0:1 (for properties in new state)
descrizione progetto //auction/documents0:n
altro //auction/documents0:n
altro-asta //auction/documents0:n
ape for all0:1

Listed content types always successfully pass XSD validation of the feed. If they do not meet the conditions described they are ignored but do not block the listing from being imported. (e.g., notice associated with a rental property).

Properties (//estate) up for auction provide only one document of type planning. Other documents assigned to the property are diverted to the auction (thus losing the link to the individual property). If there are multiple floor plans, only the first one is associated with the property, the others are uploaded to the auction.

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