Documentation for import feed 2.0.0

In the following document we describe the XML structure that can be used to synchronize property listings from external sources in Indomio.portals.

This document has been structured to break down the information by topics to make it more streamlined and easy to consult.

Important Icons

We have introduced some conventions for the benefit of summary.

IconMeaningPosition on page
ListingOn the left side
AuctionOn the left side
Property up for auctionOn the left side
MandatoryNext to the XPath
DeprecatedOn the left side of a note
Direct link to section of the pageNext to the title
In-depth linkOn the right side of the paragraph
Link to section of the pageOn the right side of the paragraph
Back to main pageOn the right side of the paragraph
Downloadable resourceOn the right side of the paragraph
External pageOn the right side of the paragraph

XML format

Indomio allows agencies' listings to be imported automatically, subject to commercial agreement, from management systems or franchises.

How to submit information is discussed in more detail on a dedicated page.

The following sections describe the information with which you can integrate listings, we recommend validating the resulting feed with the XSD schema available to you for development. Validation is applied on every incoming listing, if it fails this step the listing is discarded. It is therefore advisable to validate the feed after each change.

Each piece of information, complete with compatible values, is contained in the XSD schema. This documentation can therefore be considered a readable translation of the schema itself.

Standard formats

Whenever it has been necessary to use a specific unit of magnitude, we have used universal and well-known standards, possibly applying ISO specifications or W3C guidelines on XML format.

With this in mind, to confidently identify the position each element should occupy within the feed we use the notation known as XPath:


In general

XML node and attribute names should be written as they are given, respecting upper and lower case letters. Over time we have tried to group information into logical groups, for example geographic attributes are organized within a //location container.

XML header

Each XML call or feed must have indicated the version of the standard itself (1.0), and by the document encoding UTF-8.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


Whole numbers or decimals are expressed without thousand separators. According to the XML standard the dot . should be used as a decimal separator.The sign is needed only for negative numbers



Several nodes and attributes can only take the values True or False (fields of type boolean). For them, the allowed values are


it is important that they all occur in lower case, it is not necessary to use CDATA and it is not recommended to insert spaces or carriage returns before or after these values, ideally:

<price currency="EUR" reserved="false">1000000</price>

The treatment of boolean fields conforms to the W3C-defined XML standard.


Date and time

Date and time (fields of type dateTime) are expressed according to ISO 8601 format:


In other words: specify year in 4 digits, hyphen, 2-digit month, hyphen, 2-digit day, capital T, 2 digits for hour (00-23), colon, 2 digits for minutes (00-59), colon, 2 digits for seconds (00-59).

Note the T character as separator between date and time. It is not necessary to specify the Timezone. As a quick reference we refer you to the Wikipedia page.


Although Indomio provides only Euro as a permitted currency, you are always required to specify the currency according to the ISO 4217 standard, consisting of three capital characters.


Specific fields

Going into the specific details of a property you will find information peculiar to certain property categories. In other words you will find fields that make sense only for certain types of properties and not for others. These nodes are marked with the following icons:

Buildings / buildings
Garages / parking spaces
Offices / coworking
Stores / commercial premises
Construction sites / new construction

Batch streams (obsolete)

Follow these instruction but add a /feed/properties XML node container. All XPath notations are valid in both modes.

Entering or updating Auction

Below are the specifications of the various xml nodes to be sent to set up the various features of an auction. Where not explicitly stated the absence of an element or attribute in a feed is interpreted as a desire to remove the relevant information.


Container node of auction type elements to be published or updated

@operationType of operation required
@IDid listing on Indomio
@source-typeReason for auction
@typeProcedure type.

possible values for @operation:

The write value updates the auction information. If the auction is not found a new listing will be created. The archive value updates the auction information and archives it.

Possible values for @source-type:

possible values for @type:

For Real Time REST calls this node has root function, so each REST call can contain one and only one auction:

<auction ID="12345" operation="write">

In Batch mode it is necessary to send the entire set of auctions, so we will have a variable number of auction nodes structured like this:

        <auction ID="12345" operation="write">
        <auction ID="54321" operation="write">


Auction identifier in management, is used to identify the auction. When paired with the agency email, under the responsibility of the sender, it must be unique.


Agency reference code (max 255 characters), is a free text field at the discretion of the client. It is not necessary to guarantee its uniqueness.


date of first publication of the auction


date the auction was last updated, must always be updated after each change to the listing.


agency requesting publication of the listing


description of the auction

@languagedescription language


title of the listing (max 255 characters)


description text


starting price of the auction

@currencycurrency (pass 'EUR')
@reservedspecifies whether price is confidential, if true price will be hidden


Minimum bid

@currencycurrency (pass 'EUR')
@reservedspecifies whether price is confidential, if true price will be hidden


Minimum bid

@currencycurrency (pass 'EUR')
@reservedspecifies whether price is confidential, if true price will be hidden


Minimum bid

@currencycurrency (pass 'EUR')
@reservedspecifies whether price is confidential, if true price will be hidden


Court of reference for the auction

@namecourt name
@typetype of court. Possible values are 'court' and 'other'

Extremes of court proceedings

@yearyear of the proceeding
@numbernumber of the proceeding


Container of information about the actors in the judicial proceeding


Actor of the judicial auction

@typetype of plaintiff
@IDplaintiff id

possible values for @type:


First name of claimant


Last name of the plaintiff


Tax identification number of the claimant


Plaintiff's landline phone


Cell phone number of the actor


Actor's email


Actor's fax


Indicates whether the actor is enabled for the sale transaction (flag true or false)


Indicates whether the plaintiff is qualified to visit the property (flag true or false)


Notes regarding the judicial auction


Auction lot number


Container of geography, for the address of the place of sale.


Security deposit information


Submission deadline


Expense account deposit, in Euros (EUR). May contain decimal values.


Property value from appraisal, in Euros (EUR). May contain decimal values.


Value of security deposit, in Euros (EUR). May contain decimal values.


Bail expenses, in Euros (EUR). May contain decimal values.




Auction submission location


Auction contact person information.


Container node of auction-related events. This is the calendar with the dates on which the auctions are scheduled.


Single auction-related event

@typeType of event
@statusEvent Status.
@modemode of the event

possible values for @type:

possible values for @status:

possible values for @mode:


Date of event


Base price

@currencycurrency (pass 'EUR')
@reservedspecifies whether price is confidential, if true price will be hidden


Container of auction documents.


Node containers of the listing's spherical images.


container of the extra-visibility information (the agency must be enabled to submit). In the absence of the publish node, the visibility of the listing remains unaffected.

@idthe id of the portal for which you want to set the extra-visibilities
@statusspecifies whether to place the listing in real estate (true) or only in Gestionale (false)

possible values for @id:

Example xml:

    <portal id="" status="true">
        <visibility op="active">premium</visibility>
        <visibility op="active">top</visibility>
        <visibility op="remove">showcase</visibility>


container of portal-specific extra-visibilities


specifies a single extra-visibility that you want to add or remove

@opspecifies the type of operation required for a specific extra-visibility (default: active)

possible values for @op:

possible values for the node:


Node container of auction properties


Auction log information (lookup). Possible values:

Legal category of real estate. Possible values:

Type of contribution. Possible values:

Container of auction-related links

Description of link

@urlurl related to the link to be shown