The Auctions catalog Public Knowledge Base
Here is the index of the Knowledge Base about Indomio data exchange's API.
Exchange data with Indomio's portals
You can publish your data using our almost real time APIs.
Leads are received on the Real Estate Agency inbox or can be checked on the Web Panel but you can also receive them directly on your systems.
Real estate Agencies with realtors
Indomio has a REST API to sync your Real Estate Agency data into our DB.
Real estate agency
Real estate agency with realtors/brokers
Warning: normally you can use this service just to sync Realtors/Brokers data, binding them to your existing Real Estate Agency on Auctions catalog not to add or delete agencies.
Indomio has a REST API to load your properties into our DB.
Getting started
Communication rules
XML payload
XML data structure
Frequently Asked Questions
Lookup tables
Minimal lookup tables are inline into the XML payload doc.
{...} Swagger
Valid examples